Registration Info


Location: Kamas City Park on 100 East and 100 South in Kamas

  • Morning Check-In is 9:00 am. The earliest a camper can be dropped off is 10 min before check-in. 

  • Our vehicles leave for the Uintas at 9:15 sharp. If you miss our Check-In, your camper may have the option of joining us once we are back in the valley for the afternoon portion. Consult your camp itinerary for time and contact info to notify our staff.

  • Afternoon Pick-Up is 3:00pm. 

  • Late Pick-Up Fee: Any camper picked up after 3:15 pm will be charged a fee at a rate of $20 per 15 minutes you are late.


  • By selecting this camp option you are agreeing to pick-up/drop-off your Child at the Kamas Check-In/Out location.

RegFox Event Registration Software